Monday, 17 April 2017

The best ways to Maintain server

Servers are the head of the network, they have to work continuously day and night to provide smooth operation of a computer network.So as to work continuously server needs proper maintenance.

Server failure can cause network failure and leads to great loss to the business.

Regular preventive maintenance can provide an efficient and secure running of application software and prevent network failure.

Servermaintenance includes regular monitoring of server performance, a regular check on system security,  ensure system monitoring utilities are installed and configured on regular basis and regular verification of the backup data.

We need a good server maintenance policy to maintain the business’ computer network in optimal and reliable condition.

Server maintenance policy may differ from one corporate company to the other, but it is important to have a regular data backup, patch installation for updates and check for virus, and running the diagnostics to keep the server at its peak performance.

General Guidelines to maintain a server:

Regular monitoring of server performance with the help of server monitoring services and software.

Regular update of service and software.

Keep the server neat and tidy.

Regular verification and backing up of data and network.

Regular checking of security features of the server and install security patches.

Regularly assess the disk space, CPU, RAM and network utilization.

Scan the server regularly to remove old files.

Regular check for hardware problems like overheating, disk errors, and network failures etc.
Test Ups batteries regularly.

Proper planning is needed to maintain a server in good condition and also a proper timetable on how often the company needs the server maintenance is important to reduce the prolonged downtime of the server.

Navigator System Private Ltd provides offers storage maintenance support with spare parts-replaceable unit service in most cities with flexible maintenance Contract.

Navigator System offers server support, maintenance, repair, service, and servers repair in Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Pune and all over India.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at +91 9845451006 or
Please visit our website for more details: